Create The Best Me

Unlocking Midlife Potential Through Hobbies

October 12, 2023 Carmen Hecox Episode 33
Unlocking Midlife Potential Through Hobbies
Create The Best Me
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Create The Best Me
Unlocking Midlife Potential Through Hobbies
Oct 12, 2023 Episode 33
Carmen Hecox

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Are you in midlife and looking to rediscover a lost passion or explore a new hobby? This episode provides insights into the joy and personal growth that hobbies can bring. From crafting an action plan to celebrating every milestone, we discuss the importance of the journey, the community, and the transformative power of hobbies.

  • Rediscovering Old Passions
  • The Role of Community in Nurturing Hobbies
  • The Joy and Growth in the Hobby Journey
  • Celebrating Every Milestone
  • The Transformative Power of Hobbies in Midlife
  • Taking the First Step and Sharing Your Journey


Dive into your hobby journey today! Share your experiences and achievements. If this episode resonates with you, give it a thumbs up, share it with friends, and subscribe for more enriching content.

Next Episode Preview: Tune in next week as we meet a professional filmmaker empowering women to shine confidently behind the camera. Don't miss it!

#Hobbies, #MidlifeJoy, #Rediscovery, #PersonalGrowth, #Crafting, #Journey, #Community, #Milestones, #Inspiration

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Are you in midlife and looking to rediscover a lost passion or explore a new hobby? This episode provides insights into the joy and personal growth that hobbies can bring. From crafting an action plan to celebrating every milestone, we discuss the importance of the journey, the community, and the transformative power of hobbies.

  • Rediscovering Old Passions
  • The Role of Community in Nurturing Hobbies
  • The Joy and Growth in the Hobby Journey
  • Celebrating Every Milestone
  • The Transformative Power of Hobbies in Midlife
  • Taking the First Step and Sharing Your Journey


Dive into your hobby journey today! Share your experiences and achievements. If this episode resonates with you, give it a thumbs up, share it with friends, and subscribe for more enriching content.

Next Episode Preview: Tune in next week as we meet a professional filmmaker empowering women to shine confidently behind the camera. Don't miss it!

#Hobbies, #MidlifeJoy, #Rediscovery, #PersonalGrowth, #Crafting, #Journey, #Community, #Milestones, #Inspiration

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Welcome to Create the Best Me. I am Carmen Hecox, a personal development coach, and I am so excited to be connecting with you today. Whether you're listening to the podcast or joining us on YouTube, my goal is to help women navigate through midlife challenges with compassion, inspiration, and empowering conversations. Each week we'll dive into thought-provoking topics, designed to build self-confidence, overcome invisible women's syndrome, and find the courage to create the best version of yourself. I'll also be joined by expert guests who will share their wisdom and insights, so make yourself comfortable and let's embark on this journey together. Have you ever felt like you're on the never ending treadmill, rushing through life without a moment to breathe? If that sounds like you, today's episode might just be the oasis you've been seeking. Well, hello there and welcome back to Create the Best Me, the one and only place where we encourage and empower women in midlife to purse their dreams and live life to the fullest. I'm Carmen Hecox your host and personal development coach. Today, we're diving deep into the world of hobbies and interest and how they can be your secret sanctuary, especially for all you wonderful ladies navigating the vibrant journey of midlife along with me. Imagine a world where every brushstroke takes away worry, every note played on a piano eases your tension, and every page turned in a book transports you to a stress free realm. That's the power of hobbies. They're not just activities; they're gateways to peace, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Midlife, as many of you know, is a unique phrase. It's filled with a mirage of emotions, experience, and transitions. From watching our children grow up and leave the nest, or perhaps taking on new roles, or redefining your own identity. And amidst of all this change and evolution, stress can often be an unwelcome companion. But what if I told you that there's not just a way to manage, but to transform this stress into something beautiful? A way to channel it into creativity, learning, and personal growth. That's where the journey into hobbies begins. Before we delve into the transformative power of hobbies, let's understand the science of stress and how hobbies acts as a counterforce. When we're stressed, our body releases cortisol, often called the stress hormone. While cortisol is essential in a short burst, chronic elevated levels can lead to health issues from insomnia to anxiety. Engaging in a hobby, however, shifts the balance. The brain releases endorphins, a natural mood enhancer. These endorphins combat cortisol, uplift our spirits, and create a sense of well being. Moreover, immersing ourselves in a hobby can enhance cognitive function, boost memory, and even elevate self-worth. In essence, hobbies are like a soothe bomb for our minds. They offer an escape, a momentary pause from the whirlwind of life, and transport us to a place where we're in control, where we can create explore, and simply be. So, we've established that hobbies acts as a counterbalance to stress. But let's delve deeper. Why do hobbies have such a profound impact on our wellbeing? When we immerse ourselves in an activity we're passionate about, our focus narrows down to that singular task. This state of flow, as psychologists call, is when we are so engrossed that we lose track of time. In this state, our brain is not just releasing endorphins, but also other neurotransmitters like dopamine, often associated with pleasure and reward. Furthermore, we see the tangible results of our hobby. If we painted a canvas, a knitted sweater, or a photograph, our brain gets another dose of dopamine. This sense of accomplishment reinforces positive feelings and boosts our self-esteem. Now while hobbies are beneficial for everyone, they hold a special significance during midlife. Let's explore why. Midlife is often termed as a midlife transition rather than midlife crisis. It's a time of introspect, reevaluation and growth. And hobbies? They can be your guiding star during this transition. Midlife offers an opportunity to revisit passions that might have been sidelined earlier due to responsibilities. Maybe you loved painting as a teenager or played an instrument in your twenties. Now's the time to rekindle that passion. Hobbies introduce us to new challenges, keeping our minds agile and sharp. Whether it's mastering a new dance form or learning a new language, it's a testament that growth has no age limit. Midlife can bring a rollercoaster of emotions. Hobbies provides an emotional anchor, offering stability and a sense of purpose. As we age, maintaining social connections becomes paramount for our emotional well being. Hobbies, especially group activities, offer a chance to connect, share, and bond. In essence, hobbies are not just pastimes during midlife. They're a journey of self discovery, a way to navigate the mirage of emotions and challenges that this phase brings. They offer a sanctuary, a place where you can be in control, express yourself, find joy in the little moments. The transformative power, of hobbies during midlife cannot be emphasized enough. But itself not just about the activity itself; it's about the journey, the experience, the stories that unfold as you immerse yourself. Midlife is a phrase where many women find themselves at the crossroad. The road that defines them for years, like being a full time parent or climbing the corporate ladder, might be shifting. This transition, while liberating, can also bring a sense of loss or emptiness. Hobbies fills that void, offers a renewed sense of identity. They provide a canvas to express, to create, and to be. Every brush stroke, every note, every step becomes a reflection of one's soul, a testament to their journey and their essence. But how does one embark on this transformative journey? How do you find that hobby, that passion that resonates with your soul? Let's create a roadmap together. Finding a nurturing, a hobby might seem daunting, especially if you've been out of touch for years. But with a structured approach, it can be a smooth and enjoyable journey. Begin by looking inward. Think back to your younger days. Was there an activity you loved but had to put aside? Or perhaps something you've always been curious about but never got around to trying? You don't need to dive deep from day one. Start with baby steps, dedicate a few minutes each day, or maybe an hour over the weekend. The key is consistency. Have a space however small, dedicated to your hobby can be a game changer. It can become your personal sanctuary, a place that beckons you, free you from distractions of daily life. Join a community. There's immense power in the collective energy. Join a class, a workshop, or even an online forum related to your hobby. Start learning and growing in a community can be incredibly enriching. Document your journey. Maintain a journal, take pictures or even make a video. Document your journey not only tracks your progress, but also reinforces motivation. Remember, the goal isn't perfection. It's an expression. It's about finding joy in the process, celebrating the small victories and embracing and learning from the setbacks. Crafting an action plan is like setting the foundation for a house. It's based upon which your hobbies journey will flourish. But remember, while the action plan provides direction, it's the journey that brings joy. Every hobby's journey is unique. It's a reflection of your personality, your aspirations, and your passion. And while the initial setups might seem challenging, the rewards are endless. There might be days when you feel like you're not making much progress or moments of self-doubt, but that's all part of the journey. It's these challenges that make the success even sweeter. Now, as you embark on this journey, it's essential to embrace every aspect of it, the highs, the lows, the learnings, and the unbridled joy. Embracing the journey is about more than just the hobby itself. It's about personal growth, the connection you forge, and the inner peace you discover. Celebrate every milestone. Finish your first book in a year. Painted your first canvas? These are all achievements and they deserve to be celebrated. Every milestone, big or small, is a testament to your dedication and passion. Be kind to yourself. There will be days when things don't go as planned. Maybe your craft didn't turn out as you envisioned it, or you missed a few dance classes. That's ok. The journey is not about perfection; it's about persistency. Share and connect. Sharing your hobbies journey can be incredible fulfilling. Whether it's with a close friend, family, or broader community. Sharing brings validation, encouragement, and often opens doors to new perspectives and ideas. Stay curious. The world of hobbies is vast and diverse. Don't hesitate to explore. Maybe you started with knitting but found passion for embroidery along the way. Let your curiosity guide you. Reflect and realign. As you progress, take moments to reflect. What are you enjoying most? What challenges are you facing? Reflecting helps you realign your journey, ensuring it remains enjoyable and fulfilling. At the heart of it all, remember that this journey is for you. It's your escape, your sanctuary and your joy. Embrace it with an open heart and watch as it transforms not just your days, but your life. To all the incredible women in midlife watching this, know that you have a reservoir of potential waiting to be tapped. Hobbies are just a medium to unlock this potential, to rediscover yourself and paint your life with vibrant hues of joy, creativity, and fulfillment. The journey of embracing a hobby is akin to reading a beautiful book. Each chapter brings a new experience, learning, and emotions. And as you turn each page, you uncover a little more about the world and yourself. Every brushstroke tells a story, every dance move expresses an emotion and every page in a book offers a new perspective. The beauty of hobbies is that they allow us to express and feel and to be present in the moment. And as you delve deeper into your chosen hobby, you'll find that it becomes more than just an activity. It becomes a reflection of your soul, your window to passion and a sanctuary for your heart. But like any journey, there will be twists and turns. There might be days of immersed satisfaction and others of frustration. And that's perfectly okay. Because, It's these varied experience that make the journey rich and fulfilling. Let's take a moment to reflect on what we discussed today. We delved into how hobbies are not just pastimes, but powerful tools to combat stress, especially during the transformative phase of midlife. The science behind it. We explored the neurological benefits of engaging in hobbies from the release of endorphins and the reduction of cortisol levels. Crafting an action plan. We outlined a structured approach to integrate a hobby into your life, ensuring it's a source of joy and not a chore. Embracing the journey. We emphasize the importance of enjoying the process, celebrating the milestones, and staying connected with a community. now as we wrap up, I have a small request and a challenge for you. If this video resonated with you, I urge you to take the first step. Dive into a hobby, rediscover an old passion, or explore something entirely new. And as you embark on this journey, document it. Share your experience, your achievements, and even your challenges. Today's transcript and additional information can be found at Next week's guest is a woman who has taken her amazing gift and talent of professional filmmaking and editing, and is helping women feel confident behind the camera. This is an amazing episode that I know you won't want to miss. And for our community here, let's support and uplift each other. Share your hobbies, your stories in the comments below, let's inspire and be inspired. Thank you for being part of this conversation. If you found value in today's video, please give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends. And if you haven't already hit the subscribe button for more heartfelt content. Remember life is a beautiful journey and hobbies make it even more vibrant. Until then, keep dreaming big. Take care of yourself and remember you are beautiful, strong, and capable of creating the best version of yourself. Thank you for watching. Catch you next week. Bye for now.

Rediscovering Old Passions
The Role of Community in Nurturing Hobbies
The Joy and Growth in the Hobby Journey
Celebrating Every Milestone
The Transformative Power of Hobbies in Midlife
Taking the First Step and Sharing Your Journey
Closing Thoughts