Create The Best Me

Embracing the New Self: Midlife's Beautiful Beginning

October 26, 2023 Carmen Hecox Episode 35
Embracing the New Self: Midlife's Beautiful Beginning
Create The Best Me
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Create The Best Me
Embracing the New Self: Midlife's Beautiful Beginning
Oct 26, 2023 Episode 35
Carmen Hecox

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In this episode, I, Carmen Hecox, delve deep into the transformative journey of personal rebranding in midlife. Discussing the beauty, challenges, and potential of this life phase, I’ll also offer insights and actionable steps for those seeking a renewed sense of self.

  • Embracing the New You
  • The Beauty of Midlife
  • Challenges of Personal Rebranding
  • Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change
  • Navigating the Journey of Personal Rebranding
  • Actionable Steps for Personal Rebranding


Join me, Carmen Hecox, as I explore the essence of midlife transformation. From understanding societal expectations to harnessing the power of self-discovery, this episode is a guide to embracing the new you. Whether you're seeking a career change, reigniting a forgotten hobby, or simply redefining your mindset, I'm here to offer the tools and inspiration you need.

If today's conversation resonated with you, I urge you to take one small step toward your personal rebranding journey. Share your story and progress in the comments or on social media. Let's create a community where we uplift, inspire, and support each other!

Next Episode Preview

Join me next week as I welcome Heather Hetchler, founder of Blended Innovations. Heather, an author and certified life coach, will discuss valuable divorce resources for women. Don't miss this empowering conversation!

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In this episode, I, Carmen Hecox, delve deep into the transformative journey of personal rebranding in midlife. Discussing the beauty, challenges, and potential of this life phase, I’ll also offer insights and actionable steps for those seeking a renewed sense of self.

  • Embracing the New You
  • The Beauty of Midlife
  • Challenges of Personal Rebranding
  • Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change
  • Navigating the Journey of Personal Rebranding
  • Actionable Steps for Personal Rebranding


Join me, Carmen Hecox, as I explore the essence of midlife transformation. From understanding societal expectations to harnessing the power of self-discovery, this episode is a guide to embracing the new you. Whether you're seeking a career change, reigniting a forgotten hobby, or simply redefining your mindset, I'm here to offer the tools and inspiration you need.

If today's conversation resonated with you, I urge you to take one small step toward your personal rebranding journey. Share your story and progress in the comments or on social media. Let's create a community where we uplift, inspire, and support each other!

Next Episode Preview

Join me next week as I welcome Heather Hetchler, founder of Blended Innovations. Heather, an author and certified life coach, will discuss valuable divorce resources for women. Don't miss this empowering conversation!

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Carmen Hecox:

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like the person staring back at you wasn't entirely familiar? Perhaps you've sensed a shift within a longing for something more, something different. If that resonates with you, today's conversation is tailor made just for you. We're diving deep into embracing the new you and navigating personal rebranding in midlife. A journey of self discovery, passion and transformation. Well, hello there and welcome to Create the Best Me, the one and only place where we encourage and empower women in midlife to pursue their dreams and live life to the fullest. I'm Carmen Hecox, your host and personal development coach. Now, before we delve into the heart of today's topic, let's set the stage. Midlife often painted with brush of crisis, of loss, or stagnation. But what if we've been looking at this all wrong? What if midlife isn't about what we're leaving behind, but about what lies ahead. It's a time when the canonopy of life's demands start to soften, giving way to our inner voice that has been waiting patiently to be heard. Think of it as a second act, an act where you're not bound by societal expectations or roles. An act where you're the lead, the director, and the audience all in one. It's a time to ask yourself, who am I beyond my role? What have I always wanted to do? What legacy do I want to leave? This brings us to the beauty of midlife. It's a phrase rich with potential, a canvas waiting for your unique splash of color. By now you've garnished wisdom, experience, and perhaps a clearer understanding of what truly matters. It's not about age; it's about the freedom to be more authentically you. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, midlife offers a chance to spread your wings, to explore, to redefine, and to truly embrace the person you've grown into. And that's the essence of the beauty of midlife. It's not just about the years we've lived, but the life we've infused in those years. It's about the laughter lines that tells tales of joy, the scars that speak of resilience, and the dreams that still shimmer in our eyes. Midlife is like a second spring, where every leaf Is a flower waiting to bloom. It's a phrase where we can harness the wisdom of the past and learnings from our mistakes and the clarity of our desires to paint the canvas that's uniquely ours. Perhaps it's the allure of the forgotten hobby. The pull of the new adventure, or simply the desire to redefine oneself. Whatever it is, midlife offers a canvas, the colors, and the freedom to create our masterpiece. But, as with any masterpiece, there are challenges to navigate. The canvas of midlife, while rich with potential, can sometimes be overshadowed by doubt and external voices. Questions might arise. Is it too late? What will others think? Or am I equipped for this new journey? These challenges, while real, are also gateways to a deeper self discovery. The beauty lies in acknowledging these challenges, facing them head on, and using them as stepping stones toward our redefined self. When we talk about personal rebranding, especially in midlife, the challenges aren't just external. Sometimes the loudest critics are the voice inside our heads. We grapple with the societal expectations that have been ingrained in us. The weight of the responsibilities and sometimes the haunting question of, what if I fail? And then there's the external challenges. Family or friends might question your choices, or you might face skepticism from peers. A new career now? Isn't it a bit late for that hobby? Or shouldn't you be thinking of retirement? Are questions many have faced. But here's the thing: challenges, both internal and external are testaments to the fact that you're pushing boundaries, that you're stepping out of your comfort zone and that's where growth happens. Now while challenges are part of the rebranding journey, they're not insurmountable. Overcoming the fear of change is about embracing uncertainty with open arms and seeing it as an opportunity rather than a setback. Remember the time when you faced challenges in the past, maybe it was moving into a new city, starting a new job, or even becoming a parent. At that moment, the change may have seemed overwhelming, but you adapted, you grew, and you thrived. The same principles apply here. The fear of change is natural, but it's also a sign that you're on the cusp of something transformative. It's a signal that you're about to embark on a journey that will lead to a more authentic, more fulfilled you. Change, in its very essence, is a leap to the unknown. It's like standing at the edge of the cliff, with the vast ocean ahead. The initial hesitation, the flutter in your stomach, the doubt, it's all part of the process. But remember, every time you took a leap into the past, you discover new horizons. Overcoming fear isn't about erasing the feelings; it's about acknowledging them and moving forward regardless. It's about harnessing that fear and turning it into excitement. It's about reminding yourselves of your strength, your resilience, and your ability to adapt and grow. Here's a little secret: Every time you face your fears, they lose a bit of their grip on you. Each step you take, the path becomes clearer, and what once seemed daunting becomes a journey of discovery. Now that we've tackled the mindset, let's talk action. How do you navigate this journey of personal rebranding? How do you translate this desire for change into tangible steps? First and foremost, it's essential to have clarity. What does the new you look like? Is it a career change? Is it pursuing a long-forgotten hobby? Or is it simply adopting a new mindset or lifestyle? Once you have that clarity, break it down into small, achievable goals. Remember, it's not about making massive leaps; it's about consistent, purposeful steps. Seek out resources, be it books, courses, or mentors. Surround yourself with a supportive community, people who uplift you, understand your journey, and share your vision. As you embark on this journey, remember to celebrate the small victories along the way. Every step you take, no matter how minor it seems, is a testament to your commitment and progress. Another crucial aspect is to be patient with yourself. Personal rebranding is not an overnight transformation; it's a journey. There will be days of doubt, days when progress seems slow, but it is essential to stay on course. Reflect on your why, the reason that sparked this desire for change, and let it be your guiding light. Lastly, always be open to learning and adapting. The path to personal rebranding is as much about discovery as it is about transformation. Embrace the lessons, the experience and the growth that comes with it. Today, we journeyed through the landscape of midlife, exploring its beauty, understanding its challenges, and charted out a plan to embrace the new you. We've delved into the importance of mindset, the power of taking action, and the joy of self-discovery. Before we part, I want to leave you with this thought: Midlife is not an end; it's a beautiful beginning. A beginning filled with potential, passion, and promise. So, take that leap, embrace the change, and let the world see the radiant new you. Additional information and today's transcript can be found at Don't forget to come back next week because my guest is Heather Hetchler, she is an author, public speaker, certified life coach, and family communication consultant. She is the founder of Blended Innovations and will be here to talk about divorce resources for women. If you know anyone who's currently going through divorce, I encourage you to send them this way next week. This is an amazing and empowering episode you won't want to miss. If today's conversation resonated with you, I urge you take one small step toward your personal rebranding journey. And I'd love to hear about it! Share your story, your aspirations, and your progress in the comments below or on social. Let's create a community where we uplift, inspire, and support each other. Remember, you're not alone on this journey. Until then, keep dreaming big, take care of yourself, and remember you are beautiful, strong, and capable of creating the best version of yourself. Thank you for watching, catch you next week. Bye for now!

Introduction to Embracing the New You
The Beauty of Midlife
Challenges of Personal Rebranding
Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change
Navigating the Journey of Personal Rebranding
Actionable Steps for Personal Rebranding
Closing Thoughts and Next Episode Preview