Create The Best Me

Stuck? Pivot to Your Dream Life With These Tips!

Elaine Glass Episode 61

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In this transformative discussion, Elaine Glass shares her voyage from a life of “sleeping at the wheel” to awakening to her true purpose. We delve into the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in midlife, explore the profound concept of "getting quiet," and provide you with the practical wisdom to embrace change, let go of emotional burdens, and live a life filled with creativity and love.

5 Key Lessons:

1. The Power of Getting Quiet: Learn how creating moments of silence can help you reconnect with your inner self and hear the messages your soul is trying to send you. 

2. Embracing Life's Redirects: Understand the importance of surrendering to life's unpredictable nature and how trusting in the unknown can guide you to your true path.

3. Self-Fulfillment Over External Validation: Explore why it’s crucial to fulfill your need to be seen, heard, and valued from within, rather than seeking external sources for fulfillment.

4. Releasing Emotional Baggage: Discover the liberating process of letting go of past hurts and the significance of this release in nurturing your emotional and nervous system health.

5. Living Playfully and Creatively: Uncover the importance of maintaining playfulness and creative expression, especially as responsibilities grow, and how it contributes to a vibrant, fulfilling life.

Call to Action:

- Learn more about Elaine's insights and upcoming programs: Can't wait to "Get Quiet?" Follow this link for deeper discovery and pre-order bonuses:

- Connect with Elaine Glass: Be a part of Elaine's journey and catch her inspiring Sunday morning newsletters by connecting with her:


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Next Week’s Episode: 

Remember to immerse yourself in the serenity of your own silence, and let's create the best you together. See you in the next episode, where we'll discuss the intertwining of financial health and emotional well-being with financial therapist Wendy Wright.


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Hello, and welcome to Create The Best Me, where we believe midlife isn't a pause, but a pivot to discovering the most vibrant version of yourself. I am your host, Carmen Hecox, and today we're diving into a journey of self discovery and transformation and the art of living your best life, no matter what stage. In this episode, we're thrilled to have with us Elaine Glass. A beacon of light in the realm of personal growth and transformation. Elaine is not only a certified master life coach and a dynamic speaker, but she's also the author of the much anticipated book, "Get Quiet: Seven Simple Paths to the Truth of Who You Are" is set to be released on April 30th, 2024. Elaine's life is a testament to the power of embracing change and finding one's true path. From a successful career in dental hygienist to an emotional crossroad that led her to life coaching. Elaine's journey is both inspiring and relatable. Her coaching practice is dedicated to helping individuals navigate life's challenges, quiet their minds, and unlock their hidden gifts in a judgment free space. Today, we'll explore Elaine's insights on how to connect with your true self in the essence of her upcoming book and practical advice for women in midlife looking to pivot toward their dreams and the best half of their lives. So whether you're feeling stuck. Searching for meaning or ready to unlock your full potential, you're in the right place. Let's welcome Elaine Glass as we embark on this transformative journey together. Elaine Glass, welcome to Create the Best Me. This is an honor to have you on. It's an honor to be with you today, Carmen. Thank you so much. For some of the people that believe it or not, may not know you, can you please tell the audience a little bit about who you are and what you do? I am a mother first of two amazing sons. I also am a Master Life Coach, and I mainly work with women in midlife. Perfect. Elaine, your journey from dealing with your own personal crossroads and now a master coach is truly inspiring. Can you share a pivotal moment that led you from feeling disconnected and unfulfilled to pursuing become a life coach. I was feeling disconnected because I was completely asleep at the wheel, so to speak, of my life. And so when we're asleep, we're of course disconnected. How can we be connected? And because I was asleep, the car crashed, so to speak. That woke me up to looking around my life and, looking at the truth of my life instead of the lies I'd been telling myself that everything was perfect. That I had this picket white fence in this big home and married to the doctor and had all these things, but I really didn't have what I really wanted. And that was to be honored and to feel like I mattered. And to feel valued. And to have a partnership with a someone I felt like I was, a teammate with. And so I woke up to all of this and wanted to get my life back on track. And I think most life coaches become life coaches because of that reason. They need help we have to go first. And so that's what I did. I pivoted and, I left an amazing career that taught me a lot in dental hygiene. I sat with over forty thousand patients, who shared a lot of stories with me. And I feel like that was my life class in a lot of ways. But there was something calling me to do more and to be more and I didn't know what that was, but I also knew I needed to heal from the loss of divorce and other things. So I went on this journey and became, interested in going to life coaching school. And so that's what I did. I think a lot of us tend to feel that way, a little disconnected or kind of like we're in autopilot. So it's not unusual that what you went through is, I think a lot of us can relate to that. Uh, yes. Autopilot would be the best term. I was just living in, like a dream zone of not really paying attention to the details of my life. Particularly my personal relationships. And when your personal relationships are sort of falling apart, that's what will keep us women up at night with worry. Particularly, with aging parents or, teenage children or anything that we sit and worry about. We'll wake up and we'll sit there and think about those things for hours and hours. So those were the first taps on the shoulder of me needing to wake up was the up at night worrying. And how was I going to help myself. And how was I going to help my kids because I became a single mom. I went from a stay at home married mom to a single mom working mom. And that was just a huge, huge change for me. And I needed help. I needed someone to rescue me. And no one came to rescue me, Carmen, so I had to rescue myself and I had to find the tools to do that. So that's what I did. Many people struggle to embrace changes, especially in midlife. What advice do you have for someone who feels stuck in their current path, but is afraid to make the leap into something new. Well, this sense of stuckness, oh boy, do I know it well. You know, it's a sense of stuckness and a sense of loss, in midlife. But that stuckness I also saw as a pause. As a pause that pointed me in a new direction. And when you can have that positive outlook. That stuckness, that pause is not a bad thing. It's a redirection for something so much better. And can we trust that? And can we surrender to that? And all the things that life is supporting us around that one thing, of redirection. And that's what I did. I surrendered to that redirection. I didn't know what was going to happen. There was so much uncertainty in that redirection, but I followed the signs that helped me get redirected. And I think you also perhaps maybe understood that if you took a path that maybe didn't give you the results that you were anticipating, that was okay because there was growth that came from taking that path. And then you just redirect it to a different path. That's right. There's no mistake. There's no wrong path. And I found that out to be so true because I learned every single time I would get on a path, oops, that doesn't feel quite right, let's redirect again. And again, I trusted, I trusted where I was being led. Because what happened was I got really awake. There was a day that came to me that the noise in my life had overtaken me. I wasn't able to even hear or be able to listen to those subtle voices, that still wise voice within each of us. I wasn't able to hear it anymore. And one day I went to a very quiet place and was able to finally hear that still wise voice. And that's what directed me, and that's what I trusted. And it was first having to trust the unseen. Let's call it our higher power. Let's call it angels, guides, whatever you believe in. There is a force so much greater than us that when we tap into and connect and tune into wow. Wow. Life gets magical. And so tell me, how does someone get to that place of where they can hear that voice, whatever they believe in that voice that is guiding them to their true self? I love this question and it's very easy to answer. It doesn't have to be complex. First of all, we are born with this. We are born with the ability to hear it. It's just too loud. Our lives are too loud. After sitting with all those forty thousand patients, a coach of mine at the time, after 20 years, she was like debriefing me, what did you learn after sitting and hearing all those stories? I said, I just want people to get quiet. Those were the two words that came out of my mouth. I didn't know what that really meant at the time. I mean, it was very literal, but I wanted to know because I knew I needed it too. And so what it means to me and how you do it is we need to quiet our environment. We need to let go of the heaviness that we're carrying in life. Let go of holding the weight of the world on our shoulders. Make sure our environment is healthy. Not just the food in our refrigerator, but who's sleeping next to us in our bed. Let's let go of the heaviness of negativity in our minds. So in order to be this lightness of being, to connect to that subtle, small, wise voice, we have to clear out the density in the areas of the health of our body, the health of our environment, and the health of our minds. And that's what I did. And this whole entire journey took me a decade and I don't want it to take you or your listeners to take that long. And so those are the areas of focus when we want to get quiet and really tune in and listen. And it takes me into my next question, which was your new book, "Get Quiet, Seven Simple Paths to the Truth of Who You Are," suggest a journey inward. Can you share one path that listeners can start exploring today to connect with their true self? Path number four, oh my goodness. How counterintuitive is this for us, especially women who don't want to rest. This was the game changer for me. When I stumbled upon this particular path in the method that I teach, I didn't see it coming. I thought, I'm going to go and do all this. And I'm going to just, get the health of my body going. The health of my environment, my mindset. And I was doing all these things to release the weight we were talking about to get to that still wise voice. But it was in the rest, the fourth path, that I really saw my whole entire life change. What I realized in rest is it's not just sleeping or laziness or let's hang out on the couch. It's all of that, but it's not lazy. It is finally the ability for your nervous system, having gone through frenetic tumultuous times, crazy, crazy times to be able to finally regulate itself. And in that nervous system regulation you will finally be able to feel safe enough in your body to receive. The key word here is to receive. You know, as women, we are nurturers, we are givers. We want to help everyone in the world, but we can't. We've got to have that energy flowing. There's an output of giving, and there's a another input of receiving. And when this is clogged, your life will feel very, very unstable, and you will feel stressed and depressed and anxious. I remember the very first time I actually received and someone else acknowledged it. I was on vacation and I was getting a massage, which was very unlike me. But I went and got a massage and I was at the stage of just complete ability to rest without thinking, what else do I have to do without judging the rest? I was in that pristine state for the first time in my life. And after the massage, the masseuse came up to me and she said, almost in tears, I was in tears, thank you for receiving. Because she had found that so many of the women on her table she felt their energy, clam up and feeling uncomfortable to letting go of the way that she was moving our bodies. And so it was validating to me that I was on the right track and that this rest thing was actually pretty cool. That is interesting. And I know what you're talking about because I find that sometimes, I feel so tense. I get a massage, but when I'm laying there, I don't turn this off. I'm sitting there and I'm like, how much longer is she going to take? I need to go do this, this, this. And so what I'm guessing is that when you were on that table, you turned it off and you just let go and let the massage do what the massage was intended to do. And that is release. That's exactly what I did. And it had taken so many years to be able to get in the state of that beingness, of being able to surrender and trust in somebody else caring for me. You know, we care for everybody else, but why can't we receive that care in return? And once we do, our life changes. It just completely changes. And that's one of the areas where I had to wake up. We're talking about awakening toward this beautiful life we're living. And I had to wake up to the fact that you need to rest and you need to receive. And, yeah, it was a beautiful, beautiful moment. Wow. In your coaching practice, you emphasize the importance of working with emotions rather than against them. Can you share a technique or exercise that helps in navigating and embracing our emotions for our personal growth? Well, emotions was, a bad word in my world years ago. I didn't even know what they were. I didn't even know how to process them. We're not taught these things. And hopefully we have parents, like I did who created a safe environment so that in anything I was going through as a kid, I had a safe environment to process things. But as you get older and those emotions become stronger and they feel like waves just tumbling over you at times, you have to find out how to deal with them. And the first thing we want to do intuitively is we want to back away big time. We don't want to feel those. I mean, if we feel all those, what's going to happen to us? We're just going to break apart. So the very first time I remember feeling a very strong emotion that really meant a lot to me, it was always around this aspect of finding love again. You think you find someone that you're going to spend the rest of your life with. And as a single mother, I was always wondering, would I find love again? And the emotions that came up during all of that, it was hard because you want that so bad. How do we feel? How do we really begin to sit in that place of being able to feel and to heal? How do we face those emotions straight on? And feel safe and know that they will roll out to the ocean just like the waves come crashing in, that emotion will roll back out. And we are safe to feel. And I'll tell you a funny story, when I met my now fiance, we laugh about this because he, at the time we met, there came a moment where he was like, well, I'm just not sure If this is right. And I had really been convinced like this is the person like this is the person I know it is and the moment he said I'm just not sure if this is right my oh talk about emotions. And I went for a walk and it was in the evening at night and I looked up to the stars and I just said you know what, I need to surrender this. I need to surrender the fact that if this doesn't happen If this is not the person I'm meant to be with that I'm going to be okay. And it was in that moment when I surrendered and surrendered those emotions, what I was really attached to, when I became detached from that emotion and that need to have that particular outcome, because we want to control everything too, that's when the energy changes and now here we are. Oh my goodness. Engaged. I would have been devastated if somebody told me that. I probably would have showed all my emotions right then and there, broken out, cry ugly. Yeah. No, at the time I really had gotten to a place where I was surrendering the outcomes. I was now trusting that unseen energy we were talking about earlier. I was trusting the guidance of my life. Because sometimes we don't really know the best way, but our higher, higher self and our higher energies know. So I trusted it. That's inspiring, and powerful. As a speaker, you undoubtedly share your insights with many. What's one question you wish people would ask about personal development or finding their true path? I would want people to ask, what is it that we all want? What does every human really, really want and need? Including ourselves, obviously. And the biggest needle mover for me is when I realized this again, after sitting with so many patients and coaching hundreds of people. People want three things. And when you give them these three things, you are living your best life because you are in the best relationship with yourself and others. And those three things are, people want to be heard. People want you to not be distracted when you're with them. People want to be heard. People want to feel seen. And people want to feel like they matter, Carmen. They want to feel valued. And the times that I have left relationships, the times that I have made the most difficult decisions in leaving, jobs and certain, friendships is because I was not getting these three things met in my own life. And so how do we give somebody these three things? Who do we have to be to be able to give people these things? And I feel like we need to be fully, fully what I call, you need to get full of yourself. Because you need to fill up. How are you taking care of yourself? How are you meeting your needs? Who's listening to you? Who's hearing you? Who's valuing you? Who's loving you? And not just externally, but are you loving yourself? Are you listening? Do you feel like you matter in our value of some kind? So in order for us to give this to others, we need to go first. And we need to fill ourselves up and get full of ourselves. So you cannot give if you're empty. No, there's no way to give when you're empty. And that's why we are desperate for external fulfillment from things that aren't going to give that filling up. We really need to give that to ourselves. And that's why we need to give ourselves the gift of health in our body. We need to give ourselves the gift of health in our environment. Who are we hanging out with? Who are our friends? And we need to give the health of our mind, that mental health. We need to give ourselves all of these things. And in the meantime, as we're filling ourselves with good things to fill ourselves up, we need to let go of all the things that are weighing heavy on us. And we hold so much, especially as women, we hold so much. I know that when I was a single mom, I held the emotions of my children. I held the outcomes of things that I didn't need to be holding. I needed to fix and control everything around me. That's all such heavy, dense energy that we fill ourselves up with. That's not filling up. And so while you are filling up in this healthy way, I'm also saying, let's let go of the stuff we no longer need to hold anymore. I think that's very true because I was a single mom for about 20 years. And I raised my older children. And sometimes things come up as I talk to my son. And he'll say, I didn't know that mom. I didn't know that happened. And I used to tell him it's because I would hold things from you guys. The empty promises that were made, that weren't fulfilled from the other party. Or, just the shortcomings those were things that I held them in my heart because I felt that if you guys knew about these things, that it would crush you. And so as a mom, we hold a lot of the guilt and the pain so that our children don't have to endure it. That's right. And the years that we do that, and sometimes decades, like in your case, takes a toll. And this is exactly why I wrote Get Quiet. Because of the toll that this had taken on me. How do I get back to a healthy Elaine? How do I get back to a more self regulated nervous system? Which controls everything in our bodies to keep us healthy. This is exactly why I wrote the book to heal. I needed to heal myself and I had to rescue myself and find a way. You experience in guiding women through their personal and professional relationships in vast. Can you share a success story that particularly stands out for you? Oh gosh, there's so many that just light my brain up right now, but I, one, I'm just going to go for the first one that came to my mind. We were, I do most of my work at a retreat center. And the metaphor around my work is around walking a labyrinth, not in a religious sense, but just in a getting quiet spiritual sense of, going from the outside world to the center of this labyrinth, which really means the center of ourselves. So on this particular day, she and I were walking the labyrinth. And I always have, these women tune in to see what is it they hear? What is the message that they hear? And they hear so many beautiful messages for themselves, in this quiet place, walking the labyrinth. And she said to me, after she walked out and we journal, I have them journal what they heard. She said she was in tears. I said, what are the tears about? She said, because I've always looked at myself as the kid who had acne and that I wasn't beautiful. And I said, but your skin is so beautiful right now. She said, I know, but I'm still that kid with acne. And you know, I haven't even been able to look in the mirror for over fifteen years. Because she doesn't put her makeup on with a mirror anything she can't look at even though she has beautiful skin. So that night I had her do an exercise where it was a mirror exercise. Where you really look in the eyes of yourself for the first time ever. You look deep into your eyes in a mirror. It is profound work. If you've ever done that. Profound work, it's almost like you are not even there anymore. It's just this reflection speaking to you. And so in that moment, she said to me the next day, when she returned to the retreat center with me, she said, I looked at myself in the mirror and was actually able this morning to put my makeup on because I saw how beautiful I was. And you know, women in midlife, we sometimes struggle with, do we still feel beautiful? Do we still feel and look beautiful. We all want that. We all want that. And this is a time where we can pause in that place and do this inner work to find a different kind of beauty. The beauty that bubbles up from within and not just be so focused on external. And that was the work we did that day. And it was very rewarding. You talk about making choices from a place of love rather than fear. Can you give us an example of how someone can shift their decision making process in this direction? Well, we can either live in fear of the unknown or what I was raised with was the fear that instead of living in the fear of the unknown, let's live in the fun of the unknown. The fun is the love. The fun is the playfulness. I really believe that womankind's greatest gifts is to play. And we've forgotten to play. We've forgotten how to play. Because life got so heavy, like we were talking about before, life's gotten so loud and it's become like it's hard to play. And so to me, it's like you can make decisions out of fear or you can really own the fact that you have another choice and to embrace the fun of the unknown. Embrace uncertainty. One of our greatest human needs is for certainty. And of course, that keeps us safe. But what if we could, even for one day, let go of any certainty we need? Let go of any outcome that we needed to be a certain way, just for one day. You know, as a single mom, and you know this, there's so much uncertainty. You almost get used to the uncertainty versus the certainty. But for someone who has a lot of certainty, I would say, hey, let today be a day where you don't have to have certainty. Let that energy that's greater than you take over. And trust that. That's good. That is really good because I think that as a mom, we do forget how to play. We do forget how to invite creativity in. Invite the imagination, you know, the what if. Oh my gosh, the creativity is just completely unlimited when you live this way. Because there's nothing weighing heavy on you anymore. And to waken up your creativity as a woman is to really wake up to your full expression of yourself. And I remember the day that, this really, really hit me hard. I was at the retreat center just doing my own process, walking the labyrinth in the ways that I have learned to do them for myself. And I got to the center of the labyrinth and I felt this, this energy that I'd never felt before after doing the prescribed paths and I looked down in that moment, Carmen, and there was this little Wonder Woman outfit that another journeyman had left in the center of that labyrinth. Sometimes people will leave things. And so the power that I'm feeling, the power of creating and the power of letting go to whatever was meant to be for my life. Now I'm looking at this power of the Wonder Woman outfit looking right back at me. And I was blown away and in that moment I said, you need to trust with what is ahead for you, Elaine. You need to trust. There is something much bigger helping you right now. So, create what you want to create. Stay awake to your life and you will live the best life you can possibly imagine just by staying awake to all of these signs. I mean, can you imagine a wonder? And I had walked these paths for over a decade. And the moment I feel this power within me, there it is looking back out at me. How much louder could a message possibly be? That's right. That's right. So when you live, like this, when you can open up all your senses, And really, really get quiet and not be distracted. And really tune in and awaken to all these things that are there supporting you throughout your day. The people that are stopping you, we all have messages for each other. You have a message for them and they have a message for you. And I knew this, and I was convinced of this because of my years sitting with people. Whenever I was having something weighing heavy on me that day, there would always be someone in just the right moment that day, not even the next day, not even two days later, but that exact day who had the answer for me. So when we live with this intention of wanting to live our best life, this is the energy that surrounds us and supports us and strengthens us. And I will say for me, really comforted me. Yeah. And I think what's really important is what I hear from what you're saying is, this is not something that not all the money in the world is going to get you. That you can't buy, that someone can give you. This is more a gift that you give to yourself. That's right. It is the gift. Because this life is a gift. This is how we honor this life. We give this gift of life to ourself. In a world that sometimes feels like a zombie apocalypse, like death and destruction, this is the gift of life. We are living the gift of life. You know, I say to the moms that I coach, we are the largest tribe that ever walked the planet. We are the tribe of life. Mothers are the tribe of life. Let's bring ourselves experiences that allow us to live and truly be present to this one precious life. Midlife is often seen as a time of reflection and potential transformation. How do you help your clients pivot toward the best life during this phase? The way that I help people during this phase is how I used to feel about my own life, let's say the first half of my adult life. It was the things I had to do instead of the things I truly, truly wanted to do. I mean, of course there were things that I did that I wanted to do, but now the second part of life becomes like you know yourself better. You know your skills. You know what you're really good at. And how do we match those skills with our purpose? That is when life really gets magical. And so I help people with realizing what are their skills? What have they done from a very, very young age that they maybe they didn't even realize they were doing or being? And then how do they match that with this awakened life of now what is your purpose? How can those skills match your purpose? And then create that? So the second part of life really becomes this fine tuning of who we really and truly want to become. And with that journey comes so much wisdom. And when you become this wise woman, people want to learn from you. People want to be with you. People want to support you. People will do so much when you show up as this person who is awake, fully aware and on purpose. And those are the things that we go through. We go through different types of tools in my Get Quiet Way to get somebody really aligned with the truth of who they are and create from there. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing to waste. Sounds like a beautiful process to go through and see who you become on the other side. Yes, and I would say that it's who you've always been. I think that we really come in, we're born with a certain nature. I can remember when I was seven years old on the playground. And somebody came up to me, I'll never forget. She came up to me and she sat with me and she was crying and she wanted to tell me everything that was happening in that moment. And she was so sad. And I don't know what I said or who I was being at seven years old, but she had left me happy. So that is what I'm doing now, all these years later, I'm sitting with people. I'm holding space for people in a safe place. I'm hearing them. I'm listening. I pride myself on a coach that listens instead of talks at somebody. So, I would say that look back to those earliest times where you were in your greatness and maybe you didn't know, and maybe you've taken that same part of you throughout your whole life it's just been expressed in different environments and different jobs and different relationships. So I would say that you really are truly brought in with something and now how do we awaken to that and then use it for the good? And Elaine your book, Get Quiet, will be released this coming Tuesday, April 30th, 2024. Can readers anticipate any virtual or in person events? Where can they hear more about your book or potentially get a signed copy? They can get my book at When they sign up for the book and order it, they'll get two amazing bonus gifts. One is a gift that is an audio message from me. And it's a guided meditation that you will, really, really love. And the second is the first chapter of Get Quiet you will receive. They can hear me on podcasts such as this, and I will be doing live events and those will all be listed in the website. Great. So I think that if I were any of the listeners or viewers right now, instead of buying it at the major retailers, just because of the bonuses that they're receiving, I'd buy it directly through your website. Yes, GetQuiet. com you will find all the retailers there. And enjoy this book it is meant to be a gift of love. It's meant to be something you curl up in bed at night with. And leave it on your nightstand because it really is a book that will help you awaken to this one beautiful life. Finally, for those feeling overwhelmed by the noise of life, how can getting quiet lead to a profound breakthrough in personal and understandings their own fulfillment? The very first day I went to that labyrinth, I heard a message clear as day from my soul's voice. When you get quiet, you can actually hear yourself. And the message is just meant for you instead of the loud noise of everyone else's opinions. When we get quiet, we can hear our own soul's voice guiding us in the direction that we're meant to be going in this lifetime. It is powerful, powerful stuff. Elaine, what future projects are you working on? What can people expect down the road? Get Quiet is based off of the seven paths of a labyrinth. I love doing in person retreats so that this work is experiential for people. Obviously, the people that can't be in person with me, there will be other experiential offerings. Like, I'm working on right now, guided meditations along with the most beautiful music. So that somebody can just put their earbuds on, close their eyes, and I will take them through the experience of each path going from the outside world and then making our way right to the center of ourself. And I'm really excited about creating that. That's going to be out soon. Do you know if it'll be within 2024? Oh my that's so exciting. I can't wait to hear more about that. Where can people learn more about you? Where can they find you? They can learn more about me at elaineglass. net. I have a newsletter called Sunday Mornings, and every Sunday morning you will receive a newsletter and a message of guidance, of inspiration. So you can go on to elaineglass. net and share your email and you will get bonuses and you will get weekly newsletters and updates and everything to keep you in the loop of everything Elaine Glass. Perfect. Elaine, thank you so much for coming on. I, again, it is an honor to have you on. I know that the women on this platform or that listen to the show or watch us on YouTube are blessed by having you on the show. Thank you so much, Carmen. It's been really, really wonderful to be with you here today. As we wrap up today's episode of Create the Best Me, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Elaine Glass for joining us and sharing her profound wisdom on the path of connecting with our true selves. Elaine's upcoming book, Get Quiet, is set to release on April 30th, 2024, promises to be an essential guide for anyone looking to embark on a journey of self discovery and personal growth. Remember, you can pre order Elaine's book now at ElaineGlass. net to receive an exclusive audio message featuring a guided meditation, along with her first chapter of Get Quiet. These bonuses are invaluable tools that will start you on your journey, even before the book arrives. For more information about today's show, including links to Elaine's work and resources mentioned, please visit\ep061. And if you found today's episode inspiring, don't forget to subscribe to our channel or podcast. Your support means the world to us and it helps us continue to bring you content that empowers and uplifts. Be sure to join us next week when we'll have Wendy Wright, a renowned financial therapist on the show. Wendy will share insights on how women can change their money mindset to cultivate a healthier relationship with finance. It's an episode you won't want to miss, especially if you're looking to transform your financial wellbeing. Until then, keep dreaming big. Take care of yourself and remember you are beautiful, strong, and capable of creating the best version of yourself. Thank you for watching and listening. Catch you next week. Bye for now.