Create The Best Me

Navigating Menopause: 9 Tips for Feeling Like Yourself Again

Carmen Hecox Episode 69

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In this episode, I take you on a journey through nine impactful tips tailored to help you navigate menopause with grace, joy, and strength. Discover how activities such as journaling, rebounding, and meditation, along with building strong community ties and connecting with nature, can help you feel like yourself again. Learn how to adopt these simple yet effective habits into your daily routine to foster a sense of empowerment and well-being.

5 Key Lessons:

1. Journaling for Emotional Clarity: Establish a daily journaling routine to clear mental clutter, identify stress triggers, and cultivate a dialogue with your inner self.

2. Rebounding for Physical & Mental Health: Engage in fun and effective low-impact exercise, like rebounding, to boost cardiovascular health, lymphatic drainage, and overall joy.

3. Meditation for Inner Peace: Incorporate meditation to manage stress, improve focus, and build emotional resilience, using guided meditations if needed.

4. Community and Connection: Strengthen your support network through social interactions and online communities to nourish emotional health and combat feelings of isolation.

5. Embracing Nature for Well-Being: Make it a habit to spend time outdoors to regulate sleep cycles, boost vitamin D levels, and gain perspective, thereby enhancing both physical and mental health.

Call to Action:

Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. Exciting content awaits you every week!

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. What tip resonated with you the most? I'd love to hear from you.

Next Week’s Episode: 

Join us for a conversation with Dr. Kris Sargent, an expert on women's health and hormone imbalance, and gain deeper insights into managing menopause complexities.

See you next week! Let's continue to embrace those moments of joy, maintain our connections, and keep creating the best versions of ourselves.


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Imagine feeling 10 years younger with just a few tweaks to your daily routine. Sounds like a magic potion, right? Well, stay tuned because today I might just have that secret recipe for you. Today, we're diving into a topic close to the hearts of many of us, navigating menopause. Now, you might be thinking menopause, that's all doom and gloom and life is all downhill from here. But what if I told you that by the end of this episode, you might just find yourself feeling reinvigorated and more like your old self than you have in years? Did you know that one of the simplest activities, which most everyone did as a kid could hold the key to boosting your mood and energy during menopause? Keep listening because I'll reveal this nostalgic remedy that is not only fun, but incredibly powerful. Now, some of you might question. Journaling? How is this going to cool me down during a hot flash? Well, it's, not just about physical symptoms. Menopause can whirlwind through our emotions and journaling acts as a safe place for those swirling thoughts.

Imagine this:

every day, you take 10 minutes to jot down what you're feeling, what stresses you out, or even what you're grateful for. It's like clearing the clutter in your house, but instead you're tidying up your mind. And the beauty of this? You start noticing patterns - what triggers your stress, what boosts your mood, and even how your body reacts at different times of the month. And for those who love a bit of tech, or maybe aren't fond of writing by hand, there are fantastic digital options out there. Apps that not only let you journal, but also track your mood and symptoms over time. Now that's a powerful tool at your fingertips. Now, here's the best part - journaling cultivates a powerful dialogue with yourself. You begin to understand and listen to your inner needs. This is empowering and empowerment is key during menopause. When you feel empowered, you're more likely to take active steps toward your well-being, which beautifully leads us to our second step. Speaking of active steps - let's bounce right into our next tip. Physical activity. No, I'm not going to suggest running a marathon - unless that's your thing. I'm talking about something fun, nostalgic, and surprisingly effective - jumping on a trampoline or as some might call it, rebounding. Now, rebounding might sound a bit like child's play, but trust me. It's been adopted by many as a serious exercise routine. Why? Because it's low impact, which is perfect for our joints as we age. And it's fantastic for our lymphatic drainage, which helps detoxify the body. Plus, it's incredibly beneficial for your cardiovascular health. All this, and it's just plain fun! Remember bouncing around as a kid? It's like that, but with health benefits. And here's a tip within a tip - while you're rebounding, why not multitask a bit? You could listen to an audio book, some uplifting music, or even this podcast. It's about making the most of every moment, turning exercise into something you look forward to rather than a chore. This isn't just about physical health; it's about rejuvenating your spirit, shaking off the day's stress and jumping into a state of joy. By integrating just a few minutes of rebounding into your daily routines. You're not only working on your physical health, but you're giving your mental health a delightful boost. And let's be honest, Who couldn't use a little more joy in their day? So, grab that trampoline and let's keep that energy bouncing. And while we're catching our breath, let's get ready to guide through the next calming wave of our next tip - Meditation. After that bouncing and joy, let's shift gears into something more relaxing. Meditation. Now, if you're picturing someone sitting in silent, cross legged, let me dispel that myth right away. Meditation is as simple and as short as you want it to be. Imagine starting your day with five minutes of stillness. Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breath, inhale, feel the air, feel your lungs and exhale, release the tension. It's like pressing a reset button on your nervous system. This practice helps lower stress hormones, which can be particularly beneficial during menopause where everything feels like an influx. And for those who think, Carmen, my mind races too much; I can't meditate. I hear you. But that's the beauty of guided meditation. There are countless of apps, online resources, where soothing voices can help steer those wandering thoughts back to calm waters. It's not about silencing your mind. It's about learning to flow with the current, not against them. Regular meditation not only helps manage stress, but improves your focus, and emotional resilience. It builds a mental foundation that supports all aspects of your life. As you grow more accustomed to this inner tranquility, you find it easier to connect - not just with yourself, but with others too. Which leads us beautifully into our next tip. So, we've calmed our minds and now it's time to open our hearts. Tip number four is all about community and connection. Menopause can sometimes feel like a solitary journey, but it doesn't have to be. Building and maintaining strong connections can be as nourishing as the healthiest diet. Think about the last time you had a good laugh with friends or shared your thoughts and felt genuinely heard. It's uplifting, isn't it? During menopause, our bodies and emotions undergo changes, the support of a friend and community becomes even more crucial. It's about creating a network of sisterhood and understanding - a safety net of emotional support. And in today's world, community isn't just about meeting up in person. Online forums, virtual meetings, and social media groups focus on menopause experiences are blossoming everywhere. These platforms offer a place to share, learn, connect without even leaving your home. That reminds us that we're not alone in our experience and there's a whole world of friendship and support out there. So, whether you're joining a walking group, attending a workshop, or simply calling an old friend, nourish those connections, engage, share, open up. Each interaction adds a thread to the fabric of our well-being, making it richer and more resilient. And as we weave those threads together, our community grows stronger, and so do we. As we continue our journey through these empowering tips, it's time to discuss something crucial - our relationship with our health care provider. This tip isn't just about routine visits or managing symptoms; it's about building a partnership where your health and wellness during menopause are prioritized. Initiate open dialogues with your doctor can transform the way you navigate menopause. It's not just about getting prescriptions or medical advice; it's about creating a tailored approach that fits your unique needs. Whether it's hormone replacement therapy, dietary suggestions, or mental health resources, your provider can offer a plethora of tools to make this transition smoother.

Here's a pro tip:

before your appointment, make a list of symptoms you've been experiencing, any questions you have or even goals you want to achieve regarding your menopause health. This way, you are making the most of your time, and your doctor can provide specific guidelines. It's about being proactive in your health journey. Remember, you're the expert on your body and your provider is there to help you navigate this new phase with as much ease and comfort as possible. Engaging actively with your healthcare provider also means staying informed about the latest treatments and what's right for you, which brings a sense of control and empowerment that is vital during a time that can only feel unpredictable. Speaking of feeling in control, let's get into our next step - ''Rest''. If there's one thing that can make a monumental difference in how you feel during menopause, it's sleep. And I'm not just talking about closing your eyes, lying in bed. I mean good quality rejuvenating sleep that makes you feel like you can take on the world when you wake up. Achieving good sleep during menopause can be a challenge. Hot flashes, night sweats, and even anxiety can disrupt your sleep patterns. But here's where we can turn those disruptions around. Creating a bedtime routine can profoundly impact your ability to get those golden hours of rest. Think about calming, soothing rituals that begin about an hour before you intend to sleep. Dim the lights, maybe do some gentle stretching or relaxation meditation we talked about earlier. It's so crucial to create an environment beneficial to sleep. Consider the room temperature in your room, the comfort of your mattress, and even the darkness level. Little adjustments can lead to big improvements in sleep quality. And remember, rest isn't just about the night. Allowing yourself short periods of downtime throughout the day can help manage fatigue and keep you energized. Whether it's a 15 minute power nap or simply a quiet moment with a cup of tea, giving yourself permission to rest - it's not lazy it's essential. Now, let's nourish our bodies from the inside out. Moving on to our seventh tip - Healthy Diet and Hydration. We often hear about the importance of eating right and drinking plenty of water, but during menopause, this advice becomes even more crucial. Menopause can throw your metabolism and hormones off balance, and what you eat can exacerbate symptoms or even help manage them. Incorporating a diet rich with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins do wonders. These foods can not only nourish, but also help stabilize your blood sugar and energy levels throughout the day. And let's not forget about fiber. A high fiber diet is especially important as it supports a healthy digestive system and can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. Foods like lentils, beans, oats, and flaxseed are fantastic options. Plus, these ingredients can be deliciously prepared. Imagine starting your day with a warm bowl of oatmeal topped with a sprinkle of flax seeds and dash of cinnamon - comforting and nourishing! Hydration is another key player. Water is essential for every cell in your body, helping flush toxins, maintain healthy skin, and even reduce bloating. Setting a daily water intake goal can help keep you on track. Aim for about 8 to 10 glasses a day. And if you find water a bit boring, spice it up with slices of cucumber or a splash of lemon. Making hydration a regular part of your routine is a simple yet effective way to enhance your overall health. And while we're on the topic of what we put into our bodies, let's talk about something many of us enjoy - alcohol. Our eighth tip is about moderating or even better, reducing alcohol consumption. Now, I know this can be a touchy subject. A glass of wine at the end of the day is a common way to unwind. However, during menopause, alcohol can affect you differently. It can disrupt your sleep, trigger hot flashes, and even impact your mood. The thing with alcohol is that it might seem like it's helping you relax, but it could be doing the opposite, especially when it comes to the quality of sleep and your overall hormonal balance. Reducing alcohol isn't about deprivation. It's about finding new ways to unwind and relax that nourish and rejuvenate your body rather than challenge it. For instance, instead of a nightly glass of wine, perhaps a soothing herbal tea or a mocktail made with sparkling water and fresh fruit can become a new relaxing ritual. It's all about making choices that support your body through menopause, keeping you at your best so that you can continue to enjoy life to the fullest. And speaking of enjoyment, nothing beats the simple pleasure of stepping outside and enjoying fresh air - let's step outside for our final piece of advice - embracing the fresh air. Whether it's a brisk walk in your local park or just a few minutes in your backyard, connecting with nature can significantly uplift your spirit and improve your physical health. Exposure to natural light helps regulate your sleep cycle and boost your vitamin D levels, which is crucial for bone health, especially during menopause. And there's something inherently calming about being outdoors; It has a way of putting our problems into perspective. The fresh air clears your lungs, but also your thoughts, helping to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Make it a daily ritual to step outside, breathe deeply and simply be present in the moment. These small moments of peace can lead to profound changes in our well-being. Whether it's morning, noon, or night. A connection with the outside world keeps us grounded and reminds us of the beauty around us and within us. Reflecting back on our journey today, started with the introspective power of journaling, we uncovered simple yet profound ways to rekindle that spark of youth and vitality that menopause seems to eagerly dim. Remember how we started with the surprising childhood activity that could boost your mood and energy? Well, it turns out the playful simplicity of stepping outside, the act as easy as when we were kids, playing in the sunlight is one of the secret ingredients to feeling vibrant and alive no matter the changes your body is going through. Each tip be explored to date from engaging in physical activity, like rebounding to embracing the calm effects of meditation, and finally, to the refreshing act of stepping outside for fresh air is a step toward reclaiming your spirit and energy. They're more than just tips; they're invitations to transform and rediscover yourself during menopause. This is about crafting a daily life filled with moments that bring you joy, peace, and strength. I hope these tips inspire you to make each day a little brighter and that you feel empowered to tackle menopause with a proactive and positive outlook. Let's not, let this phase dim our lights. Instead, let's adjust our sails to navigate these waters with grace and joy., And as always, I love hearing from you - share your thoughts and experience in the comments below. What tip resonated with you the most? And if you're eager to revisit any of our tips or dive deeper into today's discussion, today's episode transcripts are available at Feel free to check it out for more insights and inspiration. And here's something else to look forward to - next week, we'll be joined by Dr. Kris Sargent, an expert on women's health and hormone imbalance. It's an episode you definitely don't want to miss as we'll dive deeper into understanding and managing the complexities of our bodies. So, make sure to subscribe, hit the bell notification and tune in for another enlightening episode of, Create The Best Me. Until next time, keep embracing those moments of joy, maintain those connections and continue creating the best you! See you next week bye.