Create The Best Me

Discover Your Self-Identity and Personal Growth Post-Divorce

Carmen Hecox Episode 53

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Divorce can be a difficult and emotional experience, but it can also be a time of self-discovery and growth. In this video, we'll share tips for thriving post-divorce and finding your self-identity again. Whether you're currently going through a divorce or are on the other side, this episode will help guide you on your journey towards personal growth and moving forward in a positive way.

I also touch on the significance of emotional well-being, offering strategies to cultivate resilience and grace amidst life's challenges. Through personal anecdotes and lessons learned, I aim to inspire and empower you to see divorce not as an end but as a catalyst for growth and new beginnings. Join me as I share my journey of becoming the best version of myself, providing you with the tools and mindset to do the same. I look forward to the next steps on this path, eagerly anticipating where our newfound understanding and self-growth will lead us. 

In crafting this narrative, I weave together the threads of transformation, resilience, and empowerment, inviting you to embark on this journey with me. Let's redefine what it means to grow and thrive post-divorce, turning obstacles into steppingstones towards a life filled with purpose, joy, and endless possibility.


Call to Action:

Your journey of transformation and growth is as unique as you are. If today's exploration of self-identity and personal growth resonates with you, I encourage you to take a brave step forward. Share your story, your reflections, or a moment of realization in the comments below. Let's foster a community of support and inspiration. And if you're ready to embrace the next chapter of your journey with open arms, subscribe and join us on this continuous voyage to “Create the Best Me."


Preview of Next Episode:

Next week, we will be joined by the insightful Danette Lowe, an expert in the realm of financial planning and a beacon for women navigating the waters of midlife. Danette will share her wisdom on preparing for retirement, offering practical tips and empowering strategies to ensure financial wellness and security. Whether you're just starting to ponder your retirement plans or seeking to refine your existing strategy, this episode promises valuable insights for every woman at the crossroads of change and new beginnings. Tune in, and let's chart a course towards a future rich in possibilities and peace of mind.

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Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Divorce my friend is not just about closing a chapter, but a gateway to rediscovery. It's an opportunity to peel away the layers of expectation and obligation that have obscured your true self. What do you see in your reflection? Who do you want to be? The woman looking back at you is strong, resilient, and radiant with potential. She's you, ready to embark the most exciting journey of her life. Hello and welcome everyone to Create the Best Me, a sanctuary where we believe in the transformative power of midlife and the extraordinary opportunities it brings, especially after divorce. I am Carmen Hecox, and today we're not just discussing change, We're celebrating it as the most potential catalyst for personal growth, self-discovery, and the joyous reinvention of our lives. Picture yourself standing at the edge of the majestic forest. The forest of your life. Behind you lies a familiar territory you transverse so far, filled with its shared of beauty and challenges. Before you stretches an uncharted and lush landscape, vibrant with promise of new adventure, learnings, and the treasure of untapped potential. This forest is midlife, a magical realm where every path can lead to discovery and every turn can reveal hidden strengths. And every step forward is a step toward the person you've destined to become. In the heart of every woman lies a wellspring of courage, wisdom, and the power to create her destiny. Perhaps like many of you, whether the storm of divorce felt the pain of loss and faced uncertainty of what comes next. It's a journey that can lead you questioning your identity, your worth and your path forward, But here in this moment, I invite you to see this not as an end, but the beginning of a grand, beautiful adventure. Divorce my friend is not just about closing a chapter, but a gateway to rediscovery. It's an opportunity to peel away the layers of expectation and obligation that have obscured your true self. It's a chance to revisit dreams deferred, to kindle passions that were extinguished, and to embrace the part of you that were waiting in the wings for the moment to shine. This is your time to explore, to grow, and to redefine what happiness and fulfillment means to you. Imagine standing before a mirror, not to scrutinize your past, but to gaze into the future. What do you see in your reflection? Who do you want to be? The woman looking back at you is strong, resilient, and radiant with potential. She's you, ready to embark the most exciting journey of her life. Today, we're here to walk with you through this forest of possibility. Together we'll explore the path of self-identity, rediscovery, emotional well-being, personal growth, and the creation of a vision that resonates with the deepest desire of your heart. We'll arm you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to take action and turn your dreams into reality. So take my hand, and let's step into this adventure with open hearts and minds. Let's embrace the uncertainty and the excitement and the joy of crafting a life that's not just about surviving, but thriving. This is your time, your journey, and your story to write. Let's begin this journey to Create The Best Me, a journey where midlife is not just a phase. but a gateway to the best years of your life. As we embarked on this next chapter of our journey together, we find ourselves in the realm of self-identity rediscovery - a sacred place where you can get to meet yourself anew, perhaps for the first time in many years. This is a time of exploration, of curiosity, of joyous revelation. It's here, in the quiet loot and in the solitude of your own company, that you'll uncover the treasure of your true self, long waiting to be rediscovered and celebrated. Think of yourself as an archaeologist, unearthing the artifacts of your soul. Each layer you peel back reveals more about who you are at the core - your values, your passion, and your dreams. These are the elements that make you uniquely you, untouched by societal roles or expectations. Dive deep into your past hobbies, the causes that stir your heart, the activities that bring you pure joy. Reconnect with these parts of yourself and recognize them as the compass guiding you toward fulfillment and authenticity. Reflection is a powerful tool in this journey. It allows us to hold a mirror to our lives, not to judge what we see, but to understand and appreciate our depths. Through journaling, meditation, or quiet contemplation, engage in conversations with yourself. Ask the big questions. Who am I when I'm alone? What values do I hold dear? What dreams have I kept hidden? The answers to these questions are like the stars guiding you through the night, leading you toward your true north. In the rediscovery of self there's a special kind of joy that emerges - one born from the realization that you have the freedom to be who you truly are. Seek out those moments and activities that make your heart sing. It could be as simple as reading a book in the sunshine, taking a dance class. or painting. These moments of joys are clues, breadcrumbs on the path to leading you back to yourself. They remind you that at the core, beyond roles and responsibilities, lies a vibrant, passionate individual full of life and dreams. As you journey through this process of rediscovery, celebrate every facet of your being. The quirks that make you laugh, the imperfections that make you real, the strength that makes you stand tall these are the qualities that make you, you. Embrace them, love them, and share them with the world. Your uniqueness is your gift, a beacon of light that shines brightly, inspires others to find their way back to themselves. Armed with the knowledge of who you truly are, you're now ready to craft the path toward that alliance with your authentic self. This path is yours and yours alone to shape. It's a journey filled with possibilities, adventure and growth. As you move forward, carry with you the treasure you've uncovered - the passions, the values and the dreams that define you. Let them guide you as you step into the next chapter of your life, the chapter where you live, love and thrive as the truest version of yourself. As we continue our journey together, we find ourselves at the crucial crossroads, one that leads to the heart of our emotional well-being. In this space where vulnerability meets strength, where tears can be seeds of transformation, and where the healing process begins, It's here in the embrace of our own emotions, we discover the power to rebuild, to find joy and to cultivate a deep endurance of self peace. Post divorce as if we're navigating a vast ocean of emotions from tumultuous waves of grief to the realm waters of acceptance. It's important to acknowledge that your feelings are valid. Give yourself permission to grieve the loss, to feel the sadness, the anger. and the confusion. These emotions are not signs of weakness; they are markers of love, loss, and profound human capacity to care deeply. But just as the ocean's tides change, so too can our emotional states. Allow yourselves to flow with these changes, knowing that with each passing wave, you're moving closer to shore, a place of calm and clarity. Resilience is the lighthouse guiding us through the storm. It's built not by avoiding the storm, but by facing it. understanding it and learning from it. Cultivate resilience by embracing practices that ground you to bringing you back to your center. Whether it's through mindful meditation, connecting with nature or finding solace in art and creativity, these practices are your anchors, keeping you steadfast in the face of emotional winds. Remember, resilience doesn't mean going through the journey alone. Reach out to friends, family members, or professionals who can offer support, perspective, and companionships. There's strength in seeking help, in sharing your story, and in connecting with others who understand. In the aftermath of heartache, joy might seem like a distant memory. Yet, in the smallest moments, the joy begins to whisper again. Start by finding gratitude in every day. The beauty of the sunrise, the laughter of a friend, the comfort of your favorite book. These moments of gratitude are like rays of sunshine breaking through the clouds, reminding us that even after the darkest nights, the sunrise is anew. Embrace new experiences that bring you happiness and fulfillment. Rediscover old hobbies or explore new interests. Each step you take toward things that light up your soul is a step toward rediscovering joy in the purest form. As we journey towards emotional well-being, we learn to embrace our emotions with compassion and understanding. Emotional freedom, comes from recognizing that our feelings are a part of us, but they don't define us. They are transcend like clouds passing through the sky of our mind. By acknowledging and accepting our emotions, we give ourselves the space to heal, to grow, and to move forward with a heart full of hope. This journey of emotional well-being is deeply personal, yet universally understood. It's a path we walk together, supporting one another with empathy and kindness. As we move through this landscape of emotion, let's hold onto the belief that on the other side of this journey lies a renewed sense of self, a heart capable of immense love and joy and a spirit unbroken and resilient. As we continue to find ourselves at the pivotal juncture - personal growth This is the terrain where seeds of change are planted, where dreams begin to sprout and where the journey of self-discovery propels us toward the person we aspire to be. Personal growth is not just about achieving goals; it's about expanding our horizons, enriching our lives, and embracing the joy of becoming. The pursuit of knowledge and skills is a powerful vehicle for personal growth. It challenges our beliefs and pushes our boundaries and introduces us to worlds beyond our imagination. Consider this moment as an invitation to reignite your passion for learning. Whether it's taking up a new language, exploring the arts, or diving into a subject that intrigues you, every piece of knowledge gained is a step toward a more enriched, more fulfilled self. Lifelong learning is not confined to a classroom or a textbook. It happens every day, in every experience and interaction. It's in the curiosity that leads us to question the courage to explore unfamiliar territories, and the openness to change our perspective. Embrace this journey with hearts full of curiosity and let it be a source of inspiration and empowerment. Our ability to grow and thrive is deeply intertwined with our physical and mental well-being. Nourishing our bodies and mind is akin to preparing the soil for a garden; it's the essential groundwork that supports the flourishing of your dreams and aspirations. Prioritize activities that nourish your body, such as nutritious eating, regular exercise, restful sleep. Equally tends to the well-being of your mind through practices like meditation, journaling, or simply spending time in nature. This holistic approach to health is the cornerstone of personal growth, enabling you to pursue your goals with vigor and resilience. Goal setting is the compass that guides us through the vast landscape of personal growth. It provides direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose. When setting goals, embrace the SMART framework - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This approach ensures that your goals are clear, realistic, and aligned with your values and aspirations. Remember, the journey toward your goals is as important as the destination. Celebrate each milestone, learn from the setbacks, and remain flexible in your approach. The path of personal growth is not linear; it's a winding road filled with discoveries, challenges, and triumphs. No one grows in isolation. Surrounding ourselves with the community of like-minded individuals can significantly enhance our personal growth journey. These connections offer support. Inspiration, and shared space for learning and development. Engage with communities that resonate with your interests and goals, whether through online platforms, local clubs, or workshops. In these exchange of ideas, experience, and encouragement, we find strength, diversity, and a deeper sense of belonging. We've now arrived at the moment of profound possibilities - creating a vision for your future. This is where imagination meets intention, where dreams are not just dreamt, but they're given shape and direction and where the future becomes a canvas for our deepest desire and our highest aspiration. Imagine standing before a vast unmarked canvas with a palette of your life's experience in one hand and a brush of your potential on the other. What masterpiece will you create? This is the power of envisioning your future - a process of painting your dreams, your goals, and the desires in the vibrant colors of possibilities. Begin by allowing yourself the freedom to dream without limits. Consider what brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Think about the areas of your life you wish to transform, the passions you want to pursue, and the legacy you aspire to leave. This vision is uniquely yours, reflecting your true essence and the infinite potential that lies within you. A vision board is a powerful tool to bring your dreams into focus. By collecting images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your aspirations. You create a visual representation of your future. This board serves as a daily reminder of your goals and the path you're carving toward them. Place it somewhere where you'll see it every day, allowing it to inspire and motivate you as you take steps toward making your vision a reality. With your vision clearly laid out before you, it's time to set intentions and goals that will bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Break down your vision into achievable, actionable steps. These goals should be specific, measurable, and aligned with your values and the future you envision. Remember, the journey toward your vision is made one step at a time; celebrate each milestone and be open to adjusting your course as you grow and learn. Creating a vision for your future is not a one time act, but a continuous process of growth, reflection, and adaptation. As you move forward, your vision may evolve and new dreams may emerge. Embrace this journey with an open heart and mind, knowing that each step forward is a step toward a future filled with promise and potential. The act of creating a vision for your future is an act of hope and courage. It's a declaration that you believe in your dreams and in your power to make them come true. As you embark on this journey of bringing your vision to life, remember that the future you dream is not just a destination, but a guide leading you toward a life of fulfillment, purpose and joy. I hope you're still with me because it's time to take action. Taking action. This is the bridge between the world of possibilities and the reality of achievement. It's where the essence of our dream begins to take form in the physical world, and where we become architects of our own destiny. The journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step. Taking action doesn't require a grand gesture; it starts with small, manageable actions that align with your vision. Identify one step you can take today that brings you closer to your goal. It could be researching a course you want to take, setting up a savings plan for a dream trip, or simply dedicating time to meditate and focus on your intentions. These small steps are building blocks of your future, each one, a testament of your commitment and progress. It's natural to encounter fear and resistance as you step into the unknown. Remember, these feelings are not indicators of failure; they're signs that you are moving beyond your comfort zone where true growth occurs. Face your fears with compassion and curiosity. Ask yourself what lessons they hold and how can you use them to grow stronger. Actions, even in the face of fear, builds courage and resilience, transforming obstacles into stepping stones. The magic of action lies in consistency and discipline. Create a routine that supports your goals and stick to it, even when motivation wanes. Discipline is the foundation upon which dreams are built; it turns inspiration into habits and goals into achievements. Remember, progress is often slow and incremental. Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small, and remain steadfast in your journey. You don't have to walk this path alone. Share your goals with friends, family, or a mentor who can offer support, advice, and accountability. Joining a community of like-minded individuals can also provide a source of inspiration, motivation, and collective wisdom. Together, you can lift each other up and share experiences and celebrate success along the way. Taking action is an interactive process. Be prepared to adjust plans, learn from setbacks, and adapt to new insights and circumstances. Flexibility is the strength allowing you to navigate the twists and turns of your journey with grace and agility. Stay true to your vision, but remain open to the myriad paths that can lead you to your destination. As we embrace the act of taking action, let us do so with determination, joy, and an unwavering belief in our ability to shape our future. Let each step we take be filled with purpose, each decision made with confidence, and each action inspired by the vision of the life we dream to create. As our time together comes to a close, we stand at the precipice of a new beginning. Together, we've transversed the landscape of self-identity rediscovery, navigated the waters of emotional well-being, charted the paths of personal growth, envisioned our futures and embrace the vital act of taking action. This journey though we've shared in spirit is deeply personal and uniquely yours. Remember, the future you dream is not a distance untouchable mirage, but a living, breathing tapestry woven from the threads of your actions, beliefs, and dreams. Each day offers a new opportunity to add to this tapestry, to shape it with the colors of your passion and the patterns of your growth and the textures of your resilience. The journey to create the best me does not end here; it continues with each new dawn. The power of now is your greatest ally. Embrace it. Let it not be a reminder of what hasn't been done, but a call to action to what can be achieved today. Your future starts now, with the choices you make, the steps you take, and the mind you cultivate. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Surround yourselves with the community that uplifts you, like this community, seek out relationships that inspire you and never underestimate the power of kind words, whether given or received. The strength of our connections with others, not only supports our growth, but amplifies it, creating a ripple of change that extends beyond our own lives. As we part today, I invite you to make commitment - not to me, not to this community, but to yourself. A commitment to continue growing, learning, and evolving. A commitment to face each day with courage and optimism. And a commitment to never lose sight of the incredible potential that resides within you. Thank you for joining me on this journey. It has been an honor to share this space with you, to dream with you, and to take steps toward a future filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Additional information, today's transcript can be found at Be sure to tune in next week when our guest will be Danette Lowe. She is a certified financial planner, President of True North Wealth Management, and the host of Ready to Retire YouTube and podcasts. She will be here to provide helpful retirement tips for women in midlife. This is an informative episode you won't want to miss. Until then, keep dreaming big, take care of yourself and remember you are beautiful, strong and capable of creating the best version of yourself. Thank you for watching. Catch you next week. Bye for now.