Create The Best Me

How Technology Can Enhance Your Life After 50

Carmen Hecox Episode 63

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Today's episode explores why and how midlifers should stay tech-savvy. As an enthusiastic advocate for integrating technology into our daily lives, I share my personal experiences and offer practical tips on how technology can enhance your lifestyle. Whether it's managing your home, health, or staying socially connected, technology has something incredible to offer everyone, especially during our vibrant midlife years.

5 Key Lessons:

1. Smart Living Made Simple:

Learn how smart devices can manage many aspects of your home, from lighting to security, making life more convenient and allowing you to effortlessly enjoy the comfort of your surroundings.

2. Health at Your Fingertips:

Discover how gadgets like smartwatches and fitness trackers not only monitor your health but also motivate you to maintain an active lifestyle, which is important, especially as we manage changes in our health during midlife.

3. Embracing Digital Social Life:

Stay connected with friends, family, and communities that share your interests through social media and other online platforms, ensuring you never miss out on meaningful interactions and continue to grow your social network.

4. Career and Personal Development:

Being tech-savvy can enhance your resume and open up new job opportunities, proving that age is just a number when it comes to learning and mastering new skills.

5. Travel and Learning Made Easy:

Technology makes traveling hassle-free with digital bookings and ensures lifelong learning through accessible online courses, ebooks, and podcasts on almost any topic.

Call to Action:

Learn more about staying tech-savvy in midlife: Hop over to our detailed resources and learn how to integrate technology into your daily life.

Make sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode of "Create The Best Me." Share this episode with anyone who you think could benefit from a little tech empowerment. Your support helps keep our community lively and growing. See you next week!


Next Week’s Episode:

Connect with Next Week's Guest, Susie Maldonado: Don’t miss out on next week’s exciting episode with Susie Maldonado, an inspiring podcast host who will be sharing her secrets to maintaining a positive lifestyle. 

📕 Resources: 

Free AI-Generated “Menopause Meal and Workout Plan” 


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Stop scrolling right there. If you've ever thought you were too old for technology or worried you're going to break something, think again. In today's episode, I'm showing you how to simplify your diet and workouts with easy tech tools while boosting your confidence and reclaiming your time. Technology isn't just for the young. It's for us midlifers too. And it's ready to make your life easier than ever. Trust me, you won't want to miss this. Before we dive into today's hot topic, I got a little confession to make. Back in 1999, right before a job interview at a tech company, they handed me a questionnaire.

One question that stood out:

If you could invent something to make life more efficient, What would that be? My answer? I said, put a computer in a cell phone. I explained how having access to emails and the internet right from our phone could revolutionize efficiency. Little did I know in just a couple of years, the first smartphone would hit the market, though at a price not everyone could afford right away. Fast forward in 2007, and Apple introduced the first iPhone. Talk about a premonition, right? Welcome back, my friends. Today, we're diving into a topic that sparks a twinkle in my eye: Staying Tech Savvy, Embracing Technology in Midlife. Whether you've already dipped your toe in the digital waters or the mere thought of a new gadget sends a shiver down your spine, this episode is crafted with love just for you. We're setting sail to navigate this vast digital ocean with poise and confidence. And why, you might ask? Because mastering technology isn't reserved for techie 20 somethings or the gadgets obsessed tweens. Oh no, it's for us, the vibrant, and the wise, and the endlessly curious midlifers who are ready to show that age is just a number when it comes to embracing new adventures. And yes, while we're on the topic of confessions, I have a little one to make. My passion for technology might be border obsession Believe it or not, I've charmed, convinced, and yes, maybe tricked my darling husband into converting almost every nook and cranny of our home into a smart home. At this point, I can pretty much run the house from my phone, whether it's dimming the lights to set the mood, preheat or cool down our home before arriving from a long vacation, or even checking who's at the door. So bear with me, because today I'm not just your guide on this tech journey. I'm your enthusiastic co-explorer, armed with gadgets, gizmos, and a whole lot of love for things tech! Alright, let's get techie and discover how smart living can not only simplify our lives, but also add a dash of magic to our everyday routines. So why should we embrace technology, especially in midlife? Well, it's not about keeping up with the latest gadgets or trends; it's fundamentally about enhancing our quality of life.

Imagine this:

you're in the middle of a culinary masterpiece in your kitchen. Your hands are covered in flour and you suddenly realize you're out of olive oil. Panic! Not here! Just a quick, Hey Alexa, add olive oil to the shopping list. And voila! Crisis averted. Or maybe you're juggling a million things and need a reminder? Just say, set a timer for 20 minutes. It's done without a single touch of a button - no messy fingers on your phone, no fuss. It's simple. It's efficient, and frankly, it's just plain smart. But there's even more to it than convenience. Technology is a fantastic myth buster. It shatters this outdated idea we're past our prime for learning new thIngs. Embracing technology can actually empower us, dissolve any feelings of falling behind and ensure that we are as connected as ever - not just to our loved ones, but also the global village that is our world today. Think about it - technology is our gateway to the world. With a smartphone, a tablet, you're not just making calls, sending texts; you're video chatting with loved ones who live miles away. You're revisiting old friendships via social media, and you're discovering communities that share your passion, be it knitting, biking, or even tech gadgets. And let's be honest, mastering these tools gives us a certain pride, doesn't it? There's a thrill in showing off a bit of tech savviness, perhaps even surprising a few younger folks in our lives. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? In the tech world, we're not just keeping up, we're setting the pace! Alright, let's dive into the juicy part. What are the real benefits of getting tech savvy in our prime years? I mean, aside from inspiring the youngsters and maybe making your tech support nephew a little less necessary. Let's talk about job opportunities. Yes, you heard me right! Being tech savvy can actually spice up your resume. In a world where "digital skills" are buzzwords. Showing that you can navigate an Excel spreadsheet, manage a Zoom call, or handle a CRM software is not just keeping you competitive, it might just make you a hot commodity in the job market. Plus, it's always fun to see the surprise faces when you're the one fixing the printer or speeding up the computer at work! And social engagement, because let's face it, we're social butterflies at heart and technology keeps those wings fluttering. With apps for everything from book clubs to yoga classes and platforms like Facebook and Instagram we stay connected, share experience, and yes, maybe even overshare our meals or the cute things our pets did. It's about staying part of the community, finding your tribe, and never having to miss out on a moment. And don't get me started on health benefits. Our smartwatches and fitness trackers are like personal trainers and health monitors right on our wrist. They nudge us to get up and move, track our sleep, and even remind us to breathe when things get hectic. And for those of us managing chronic conditions or just trying to stay on top of our health game, these gadgets can be lifesavers, keeping track of our heart rates, blood pressure, you name it. Now let's talk travel. Remember when traveling meant bulky maps and printed hotel confirmations? Those days are gone, my friends, now, your entire trip from flight bookings to restaurant reservations can be planned and accessed right from your smartphone. And with translation apps, you can ask, where's the bathroom in just about any language! For the bookworms and lifelong learners among us, technology is a treasure trove. Ebooks, online classes, podcasts, they open up worlds of knowledge and entertainment that are just a tap away. Ever wanted to learn Italian, delve into quantum physics or master vegan cooking? There's an app for that, and probably a YouTube tutorial to boot. So, becoming tech savvy, isn't just about keeping up, it's about enriching our lives, expanding your horizons, and yes, occasionally showing off by sending emojis that perfectly sums up your mood! And speaking of making life easy, let's shift gears and talk about how technology can really streamline our daily lives. Before we dive into the fun mini tutorial, I want to break down some tech terms we hear tossed around. It's like learning the ingredients before you bake a cake rIght? You may have heard people talk about chat, GPT, Gemini, or Copilot. Imagine having a really smart assistant who knows a ton about nearly everything and can chat with you anytime. That's ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot. It's a type of AI or artificial intelligence designed to understand and generate human like text based on what you ask it. Whether you need a recipe, advice on how to fix something, or even help drafting an email, ChatGPT or any of the others mentioned is like your go to buddy for all things information. Now, let's see these tools in action. I'm going to show you how ridiculously easy it is to use technology to make our lives easy. Let's say you're trying to keep healthy and need a little help organizing your diet and exercise routine, especially during menopause, a time when our bodies are just throwing those curve balls all over the place. All right, here we are. Let's start with ChatGPT. Say you want to create a meal plan that's high in protein and fiber, but excludes certain food allergens, you know, like a personal nutritionist without the hefty price tag. You just type in your requirements: here's my example. Write like you're a nutritionist and fitness expert who specializes in helping women who are in menopause or post-menopause live healthy lives. I'm a woman over 50 looking to lose 20 pounds and I'd like your help creating a personalized high protein 80 to 120 grams per day, and high fiber 21 to 25 grams per day weekly meal plan. I'm allergic to strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, all berries, cucumbers, and sweet potatoes. Could you please create a weekly meal plan that includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and snack with each meal? Provide a breakdown of the daily protein and fiber intake. Additionally, could you please provide a recipe with detailed instructions for each meal within the plan and include serving sizes? It would be great if the plan incorporated a variety of delicious and satisfying options while staying within the protein and fiber goals. Let's plug that in. And keep in mind, I am using ChatGPT 4, which is a paid plan. You can use ChatGPT for free, I believe, and you would be using ChatGPT 3. 5. So the information I'm receiving is from ChatGPT 4. So as you can see here, it is generating the, meal plan. What it's not giving us here is it's not giving us the recipe and detailed instructions. Let's hit continue. There we go. There you go. And voila! Chat GPT will provide you with a customized meal plan in seconds. Now, let's talk exercise. Using the same tool, you can craft a workout plan that fits into your busy lifestyle. You might type, and I have mine here. Now write me a workout plan. Remember I am a post-menopausal woman and my goal is to lose 20 pounds. The workout plan must exclude cycling, aerobic exercise and include resistant bands and consider that I'm currently walking 30 minutes per day, four to five days a week. So, it's thinking about the prior information and integrating it with this. Chat GPT will churn out a weekly plan, adjusting your exercise to match your current activities and equipment. And there you go. The AI will compile a guide filled with tips, suggested activities, and dietary advice tailored just for you. Please note that this is just a guide and does not replace a personalized trainer or health coach and ChatGPT can make mistakes. So you see, it's not about replacing the human touch, but about enhancing our capabilities and making room for more quality time. These tools are here to lift the heavy mental loads and simplify our tasks, allowing us to focus more on enjoying life and less on managing it. Today, we just scratched the surface on what staying tech savvy can do for us in midlife. I hope you're feeling inspired and a little more confident about integrating technology in your daily life. Remember, embracing technology in midlife. isn't just about keeping up with the times; it's about enriching your life, streamlining your day to day, and connecting with your passion and people in a new and exciting way. If you're looking for more insights or tips or would like a copy of today's menopause meal and workout plan, just head on over to Everything I discussed today is there for you to review and use as steppingstones on your journey. And don't forget to join us next week. We will have a very special guest, Susie Maldonado, host of Believe with Susie podcast. She is going to share some incredible secrets to maintaining a positive lifestyle and provide actionable advice that you can incorporate in your daily routine. It's going to be a fantastic episode and you won't want to miss it. So be sure to subscribe, hit the notification bell so you'll never miss an episode. Share this episode, with anyone who you think could benefit from a little tech empowerment. Your support means the world to us and helps keep this community growing. Until then, keep dreaming big, take care of yourself, and remember you are beautiful, strong, and capable of creating the best version of yourself. Thank you for watching. Catch you next Bye for now!